Human Resources

Empower Remote Teams: Employee Wellness Programs

Robert Owen, a Welsh social reformer and manufacturer, first addressed the promotion of employee well-being in 1810; we have Owen to thank for the eight-hour workday widely used by businesses everywhere. And employee wellness has continued to evolve in the centuries...

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Seamless Departures: HR’s Offboarding Checklist

For Human Resources (HR) managers and consultants, certain aspects of the job may feel more difficult and thankless than others. Employee offboarding can fall into this category, but it doesn’t have to be a painful process. Offboarding shouldn’t be an afterthought or...

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Elevate Your Company with HR Outsourcing Benefits

There are many reasons why a company would choose to outsource their HR services. In fact, many business owners make the decision to outsource Human Resources when they realize just how many ways it can benefit them. Business owners with a firm understanding of Human...

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Optimize Mid-sized Operations with Benefits Software

Mid-sized companies use benefits administration software to make their HR processes run more smoothly and efficiently. When your HR team uses a great benefits administration program to support their work, everything works better. However, you have to find the software...

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Effective Implementation of HR Policies and Procedures

A company’s day-to-day operations are directly impacted by its policies. Human resources policy guides both employees and management when complicated issues arise. It is also what governs the company’s response to unethical, illegal, or otherwise unacceptable...

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Startup Success and Employee Retention Strategies

Employee retention is one of the most important things a startup can do to ensure long-term success. This is especially vital for an outsourced HR company’s expansion and reorganization plans in Europe. So many startups are run by incredibly smart, capable people who...

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Reducing Business Costs with The Power of HR Outsourcing

Human resource demands can overwhelm your small or medium business. This area of your business is critical, especially if you want to move your company to a foreign country. If you find that your current HR system can’t keep up, you might need an HR outsourcing...

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What Is the Key Role of a Human Resources Consultant?

Across the globe, Human Resources (HR) remains a vital component of successful business growth. However, the unique nuances of HR practices vary from country to country. When you choose to expand your US or UK-based business to European countries, it’s important that...

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What Is Human Resources Outsourcing? – A Complete Guide

Outsourcing your Human Resources may be one of the most important management decisions you will make this year. As you expand your business in Europe, you need knowledgeable support. Utilizing an outside HR consultant or manager can help you to optimize your global HR...

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How Can HR Strategy Support Small Business Growth?

Small businesses need to be agile if they want to grow. Things can change quickly, and if your startup doesn’t invest in a solid HR strategy from the beginning, you could end up bogged down. The value of HR consulting in business is often overlooked, but it’s integral...

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